(with English translation)
Poți fi cu ușurință deposedat de obiectele dorințelor dar de cunoaștere niciodată. Ea este singura care rămâne, e adevărat, doar în starea ei subtilă, nonverbală, ca un prieten etern al sufletului.
Desires, good or bad, lead to anger. Either because they are difficult to fulfill or because their result does not last long. But if you manage to cherish yourself for who you are before you sharpen your nails and teeth to get what you want, you have the chance to be happy forever, not just when the vigor of your youth deceives you with its illusions.
You can easily be deprived of the objects of desires but never of knowledge. She is the only one who remains, it is true, only in her subtle, nonverbal state, as an eternal friend of the soul.
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